Bean Stalk-ed
An experiemnt to see if beans need soil, sun and water to grow.
Watch everyday and see what happens to the beans. If needed, place water a tablespoon into the cups that need water.
This is to show that light, water and soil are needed for seeds to grow. Light has natural energythat is cinverted to food for the plants. Soils have nutrients in to help seeds grow and water is needed there is not only flexability when grwoing, it also keeps the plant hydrated.
Equipment: 5 cups, 15 beans, labels, pen, soil, plastic bottle, dark paper
In each of the 4 cups place 2- 3 spoons of soil. Leave one cup with no soil.
Insert 3 beans in each cup
Now label each cup as follows:
Cup 1: Just water
Cup 2: No Sun
Cup 3: Soil, sun and water
Cup 4: Greenhouse effect
Cup 5: Soil no water
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