
Showing posts from April, 2017

Coding with Corana Labs

Its time for coding and as this is a new project, this post will be updated on a regular basis.

Standing on eggs

Yes- It can be done!! Why? Wwll, Eggs have spear head shape that can hold the   The shape of the egg distributes your weight evenly and as long as you spread your weight between them, 12 eggs is enough to take all your weight. Nobody ever believes this experiment is going to work but I promise you it will!  Apparatus: 2 packs of eggs! Method: First off, it's time to build your confidence. Hold an egg in your hand vertically and start to squeeze it! WARNING:  Make sure it's vertical, not horizontal and you're not wearing a ring. Squeeze, harder and harder, the egg doesn't break! Expect the best but plan for the worst! You might be best to do this experiment in the kitchen, that way if all goes horribly wrong (not that it will!) it'll be easy to clean up! Lay your two packs of eggs on the floor, side by side, and get a chair or something to hold on to for support. The eggs will take your weight   Try and spread your weight as evenly as p...

Bouncing a raw egg!

As it was Aprils Fools and Easter, we needed to do some experiemnts that combined both eggs and fooling the adults!! Apparatus: White wine Vinegar Egg Method: Fill your glass full enough with white vinegar so that you can completely cover your egg. Pop your egg in and look closely! See all of those bubbles on the surface - that's what's going to get our egg naked! To get your egg entirely naked will take at least 24 hours! It's well worth the wait though, I promise! Gently! Bounce your naked egg, yes, you read the correctly! Naked eggs bounce! Too much fun. Get started, right away! And remember to come back and read how it all works too! What's going on? Why does vinegar get our egg naked? Well, the first clue are those little bubbles that you can see! Those bubbles mean there's a chemical reaction going on!  The shell of an egg is made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This reacts with the acid of the vinegar and causes bubbles of carbon ...

Mechanical Hands

As with all of my straw projects, you can take pride in using freely available materials  this design achieves fully mechanical hand that rebounds back to its original state when the tendons release their tension. Equipment: 25-30 Straws Scissors Paper Punch Card Permanent Marker (optional) Method: Think of the finger build as having two parts.  You will build four fingers and four tendons.  The fingers are a straw tube with cuts to allow joint movement and retain enough material to bounce back into shape.  The tendons consist of a finger nail, tendon, and pull ring.   All four straw fingers can be made identically.  If you wish, you can make the knuckle locations in proportion to a real hand with various lengths.   You will notice that each finger consists of seven paper punches.  You will make four equally spaced paper punches at the bottom of each finger. These are the knuckles and you can hold a straw up to your hand to determine ...

Non- Newtonian Fluid

Make your  gooey glop that is neither a solid nor a liquid.  Using only cornstarch and water, this amazing mixture behaves like a solid and a liquid at the same time.  Method Pour approximately 1/4 of the box of cornstarch into the mixing bowl and slowly add about 1/2 cup of water. Stir. Sometimes it is easier to mix the cornstarch and water with your bare hands– of course, this only adds to the fun. Continue adding cornstarch and water in small amounts until you get a mixture that has the consistency of honey. It may take a little work to get the consistency just right, but you will eventually end up mixing one box of cornstarch with roughly 1 to 2 cups of water. Notice that the mixture gets thicker as you add more cornstarch. Notice its unusual consistency when you pour it into the pan. Stir it around with your finger, first slowly and then as fast as you can. Skim your finger across the top of the glop. What do you notice? Sink your entire hand into the ...

Bean Stalk-ed

An experiemnt to see if beans need soil, sun and water to grow. Equipment: 5 cups, 15 beans, labels, pen, soil, plastic bottle, dark paper Method: In each of the 4 cups place 2- 3 spoons of soil. Leave one cup with no soil. Insert 3 beans in each cup Now label each cup as follows: Cup 1: Just water Cup 2: No Sun   Cup 3: Soil, sun and water Cup 4: Greenhouse effect Cup 5: Soil no water  Watch everyday and see what happens to the beans. If needed, place water a tablespoon into the cups that need water.  This is to show that light, water and soil are needed for seeds to grow. Light has natural energythat is cinverted to food for the plants. Soils have nutrients in to help seeds grow and water is needed there is not only flexability when grwoing, it also keeps the plant hydrated.

Rocket Launch

Fancy seeing flying objects? Sir Issac Newton, sat uder a tree when a apple fell on his head. That is when he had a light bulb moment. He discovered Gravity. He wrote 3 Laws of Motion to define gravity and flying objects: 1 Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it. 2 Force is equal to the change in momentum per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration 3 For Every Action, there is an equal and opposite re-action What you need: Empty plastic bottle Water Bicycle pump Bung or a extra tight cork with a ole for the bicycle pike to go in. Maybe extra resources has a cup and wings!! Method: Add a cup to the bottom of the bottle, to make it look like a rocket. Attach some wings to the bottle. Maybe decorate the bottle. Fill the bottle with water - Half way. Place the rubber bung /cork on the end with the bicycle pike i...