
Showing posts from November, 2016


Wow- this book needed to compliment programming of Scratch ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Candle Race

Aim: The Aim of the experiment is to see if the colour effects the burning rate of a candle Equipment: 4 different colours of candles ( the same length and make), putty or blue/white-tac, Matches, ruler, scissors, black marker, Matches, Notebook, plate to place the candles on, stop watch Method 1. Create a table that will record the colour of the candle and the time taken to for the wick to burn to the black marker. 2. Using your scissors, cut the wicks of each candle so that they are identical in length. Use your ruler to verify that every candle wick is of equal length. 3. Use your ruler to measure one inch down from the top of the candle. Next use your marker and draw a line. You should now have 4 candles with equal wicks and all with lines one inch from the top. 4. Place some white-tac on the plate. You'll be using this surface to hold your candles still, so make sure it's thick and can support the candle. 5. Gently push each candle into the clay...

Extraction Of DNA

Aim: To understand what DNA is and how it works in all living organisms. Equipment: 3 Strawberries, 2 glass beakers, stirring rod, 10ml washing up liquid, ¼ tsp salt, plastics bag, strainer, tweezers, 5ml isopropyl alcohol, 90ml water Method: 1 Pour 90ml of water into a beaker and add 10ml of washing up liquid. Mix the solution well. 2 Add ¼ tsp of salt to the solution and mix well again 3 Place the strawberries into a zipped bag and add the water solution into the bag. Make sure the bag is airtight when you close the bag. Make sure the bag is sealed well. No solution should be able to escape. 4. Squeeze the strawberries, and get rid of the lumps. 5. Pour this solution into another glass beaker through the strainer. Separating the liquid from the solids. Using the measuring spoon gently press the contents in the strainer to extract any liquids. 6. Gently add 5ml of isopropyl alcohol into the beaker with the strawberry solution. Notice the top layer ...

Volcano Experiment

Aim: To see a reaction between an acid and base. Equipment: Washing up liquid, Vinegar, Cup or glass, Baking soda, Food colouring- Red & Yellow or orange Method: 1 Make sure your volcano is in the kitchen or outside 2 Add 2 tbsp full of baking soda 3 Add 1 tbsp of washing up liquid into the cup 4 Add a few drops of the food colouring 5 Quickly pour in just under a quarter of a cup of vinegar. Results: You will see foam rising/coming out Conclusion: Mixing the acid (vinegar) and the alkali (bicarbonate of soda) and releasing bubbles of carbon dioxide CO2. The washing up liquid is just there to trap those bubbles so it flows over the ‘volcano’ like real lava!

Lava Lamps

Aim: To see if water & oil can mix Equipment: Plastic Bottle, Vegetable oil, food colouring, salt, water Method: 1 Fill your bottle just over half full with water and add a good few drops of food colouring. 2 Pour 50ml of vegetable oil into the cup. It will soon settle out to form a layer on top! 3 Pour in 1 tbsp of salt on into your cup. Result: The oil stays at the top of the water. When you shake the bottle you will see the how the water molecules float through the oil. Conclusion: The oil will settle out to form a layer on top of the water because it is lighter (less dense) so it floats on top. When you add salt it becomes heavier (more dense) so it sinks through the oil and water pulling some of the vegetable oil down with it. Next, the salt will start to dissolve into the water. This will free up the oil and as it’s lighter (less dense) it will rise back up to float back on top of the water. Oil and water don’t mix (scientists like to say ...

Getting Googled

Aim: To understand on how we can work on one document together. Equipment: Computers and wifi Method: We created Google Accounts and we did some document sharing in Google. We worked in real time. The aim is to get more confident and understand the educational and simplicity of using Goggle. This will not be the end. We will follow up in sharing documents and working on one document together. Using Google Classroom, Using Google Suite, Working offline, Cyber bullying and the use of the Internet (copyrighting)

Rubber band cars

This week I went to Hรถganรคs, near Helsingborg. I had a workshop in the library there. We made rubber band cars. The results were amazing.